Logistics & Supply Chain Jobs & Careers in the UAE

CV Writing

Professional CV Writing

Resumes introduce you to the potential employers, and hold the power to make or break careers. It is desired to be very careful when drafting resumes, and revise them repeatedly.

Success in finding the dream job depends largely upon having a dynamite resume. Drastic changes are taking place in the way resumes are reviewed by managers and human resource professionals. The number of applicants per jobs has increased to such a point that each resume is given only about 10 seconds to grab the reader's attention.

Logis.ae will help you to draft professional and impressive standard resumes, visual resumes and video resumes matching to the logistics and supply chain job market scenario in UAE. Our CV writers are professional logistics and supply chain jobs & career consultants.

Key Highlights

  • CVs are prepared by our in-house team of experts.
  • We prepare very attractive and recruiter friendly CVs suitable for the job search region of the candidates
  • Once we receive the request, one of our consultants will be calling the candidate and will have detailed discussion on his career objective and experiences.
  • The first draft of the CV will be sent via e mail within 5 working days.
  • Upon receiving the feedback from the candidate, the final CV will be sent.
  • The candidate can call the consultant at any point of time within the process.
